If you're a gym or studio owner, you know that it's important to create additional sources of income.
In this blog post, we will be going over how you can use Kajabi to do just that! Kajabi is a platform that allows you to create online courses, membership communities, and more.
This makes it the perfect tool for gym and studio owners who want to create a paid community around their business.
We'll be discussing how to monetize your content, create paid communities and memberships, and more.
So if you're ready to learn more about creating a successful online community, keep reading!
Creating a paid community has many benefits.
For one, it allows you to connect with your customers in a more intimate way. Paid memberships also often lead to better customer outcomes and higher customer satisfaction. Not to mention, customers who feel connected to a community are more likely to spend more money.

Monetize Your Content and Create Paid Communities Through Kajabi
Is Kajabi right for you?
Ready to create an additional source of income?
Gym and Studio owners are always looking for new ways to increase their revenue. Kajabi is the perfect platform for you to do just that. With our easy-to-use tools, you can create a paid community or membership site in no time at all.
Not only will this allow you to make more money, but it will also give your customers a place where they can connect with others and get help with their journeys. They’ll appreciate having one easy-to-use platform where they can access all of your content.
Sign up for a free trial today and see how Kajabi can help you create a successful community or membership site!
Create online courses
Monetize your content
Create paid communities
Get help with their journeys
One easy-to-use platform.
Let's jump into it and see what Kajabi can do for us and how it will benefit us!
For this product review, we will be going into what Kajabi can assist you in creating.
Are you looking for a way to monetize your knowledge?
Kajabi is the perfect platform for creating and selling online courses. With customizable blueprints, you can launch your course in record time.
Plus, with its fully integrated business tools, Kajabi makes it easy to manage your entire operation from one central dashboard.
Whether you're passionate about teaching others or want to share your skills with the world, Kajabi can help you turn your knowledge into profits.
And because it's mobile-friendly, your customers can access your courses anytime, anywhere. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. You can start to monetize your content today with Kajabi.

Kajabi is the all-in-one solution for coaches who want to develop deeper relationships with their clients and keep everything in one central place.
Kajabi makes it easy to create a coaching offer with single or multiple sessions, so you can focus on helping your clients get results.
With Kajabi, you'll have everything you need to run your coaching business in one place, without any workarounds or plug-ins required.
So you can focus on what you're good at - helping your clients succeed. Get started today and see the difference Kajabi can make in your coaching business.

Create Podcast and Monetize your Content.
Looking to create and monetize your podcast? Look no further than Kajabi. With their intuitive suite of tools, turning your listeners into paying customers is easy. Generate demand for your content with our powerful marketing tools, build authority with engaging content, and earn more revenue from your most loyal fans. Podcasting has never been so profitable. Thanks to Kajabi, now you can turn your passion into profits.
If you're looking for a way to create a sustainable business model, Kajabi's memberships are a great option.
With Kajabi's platform, everything you need to build a successful membership program is at your fingertips.
There's no need to start from scratch - with one click, Kajabi's product generator will create a blueprint of your membership area.
And with Kajabi's built-in member management software, you can easily keep track of your community without any hassle.
Plus, Kajabi's subscription-specific reports will show you key metrics like churn rate and more, so you can see how your business is doing. So if you're looking for a reliable, easy-to-use platform to help you.

Monetize Your Content and Create a Comunnity
Are you looking for a way to connect with your customers and create a community around your brand?
Look no further than Kajabi! Kajabi is the perfect platform for building an engaged and successful customer base.
With Kajabi, you can easily manage your community all in one place. There's no need for any outside apps or plugins.
Plus, Kajabi makes it easy to amplify your offer and increase customer success. Whether you're looking to improve your course, membership, coaching, or other offer, a community can make all the difference.
Free Trial
These are the main things that you can create Kajabi. Kajabi also allows you to use the power of automations to reduce your workload. Ensuring that things can get done when they need to, correctly.
Kajabi gives you the option of a free trial. Meaning you don’t have to pay to see if this is the product that suits your needs.
Your Guide in Using Kajabi
We will go through how you can use Kajabi. Specifically focusing on creating your own course.
When you get into Kajabi, you will want to select “Products” in the right-hand navigation. It will take you to the page where you can select the product that you want to create.
For our example, we will continue to select “Online Course”
You will now have to add in some details to get started:
- Title
- Description
- Product Thumbnail
After you have added all of the details, go ahead and hit “Submit”.
What is great is that Kajabi will automatically give you a course outline to work from. This can be edited. If you want to add more topics, or remove some, go right ahead.
Suggestion. Before you begin to plug in all of your content, first complete your outline. All of the topics that you aim to achieve with this course. This will give you a solid structure to work from.
To add new content, just click on the “+ Add Content” button.
You will be given a list of different content that you can add.
- New Category
Allows you to add a new topic to your course.
- New Subcategory
Add in the points that you want to cover from the main topic.
- New Post
Create a post specifically for one of your topics.
- Upload Multiple Videos
Upload videos to add to your content.
After you have created your outline. Begin to plug in all of your content. Add new subcategories for each category. Add in all of the information you wish to train your students on. Creating the content and getting it right will be the most time-consuming part of this process. Make sure it’s a topic you personally enjoy, as this will make it a breeze.
You will want to customize how your course looks. To do this select the “Customize” button.
Make sure that your course looks good for both desktop and mobile users. The majority of people will first access the course through their mobiles. If it looks bad, you’re probably going to lose them.
Make sure to upload a theme that matches your personal brand. Consistency is incredibly important.
Hit the preview button to see how your course will look.
If you select “More”, you can choose whether or not to allow people to comment on your content. Generally, it is a good idea to allow people to comment. You can use this to build trust with new people who have just paid for your course.
Now we need to get into selling the course. For this you will need to create an offer.
Select the “+New Offer” button. You will need to add the title for your offer.
You can add multiple products you have created in the offer or just one product. Completely up to you.
To add a price to your offer, you will need to edit your offer details. At the moment you can see the offer listed as free.
Scroll down until you see the pricing section.
You will notice that you only have the option for free products until you add a payment provider. But not to worry, Kajabi integrates with both Stripe and PayPal. So they’ve got you covered!
After you have set that up, you will go back to set up the pricing.
Now there are some pretty cool things you can do. You can set up an automatic post-purchase email thanking your new student for their purchase. In this email, you could add links to additional offers that you have for an upsell.
You can set up other automations. For example, when the offer is purchased, you can register them for an event. Such as a live coaching session that you have scheduled.
After you have double-checked everything your online course is ready to be bought!
All that is left to do is go to your offer, select preview, and this will now be your link that you share with your audience allowing them to buy your online course.
That's a wrap
As we’ve seen, customers who are connected and have a sense of community often have better outcomes.
They also tend to spend more.
If you can provide your customers with a place to ask questions and discuss their journeys on one easy-to-use platform, you can build a strong community that is likely to be loyal and engaged. Kajabi is the perfect tool for this job.
With their help, you can create an additional source of income by allowing Gym and Studio owners to create paid communities and memberships.